Pike County Common Pleas Court

Court Type:Common Pleas
Street Address:100 East Second Street
Zip Code:45690
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Website URL:https://commonpleascourt.pikecounty.oh.gov/
Judge:Hon. Randy D. Deering
Clerk:Justin P. Brewster
Clerk Phone:740-947-2715
Clerk Email:justin.brewster@pikecounty.oh.gov
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar:Docket Search
About / Additional Info:The Pike County Courthouse was previously located in Piketon, Ohio from 1815 to 1861. In 1861, the Pike County residents voted to relocate the county seat to Waverly, Ohio. Thereafter, the Meschech Downing family donated the Waverly Public Square to the county to build a new courthouse. A committee was appointed to oversee the construction of the new courthouse, and the completed structure was sold to the county for $5.00 and deeded to the county in 1866. An addition was added to the front of the building in 1909.The same building currently houses the Pike County Court of Common Pleas, General Division, the Pike County Prosecutor's Office and the Pike County Clerk of Courts.